Sunday, December 4, 2011

10. What is the best advice you've ever received? Explain.

 Throughout my lifetime, I have received incredibly deep and meaningful advice from many different people. Some of the best advice I have ever received is probably from my grandmother. I consider her to be a very wise person since she has lived through many, many difficult experiences, which in my opinion, have made her the great person she is today. Her and my uncle, (her son), have a random phrase that they started saying out of nowhere... "No te claves en la maroma del piojo." Literally translated, this would not make any sense. However, the figurative meaning is much more comprehensible. What this saying pretty much means is that you shouldn't worry too much about the little things, especially the ones you cannot change or do anything about anymore. Stop trying to analyze every single detail about a situation, about little, insignificant things, (in this case which are represented by the lice. Another piece of advice I could link this to, is what my biology teacher, Mr. Manroe, once told us. He talked to us about "Problem vs. Inconvenience".

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